Your preferences


Nickname used to personalize the reports and for the data verification. Otherwise you may consider the demo report as yours
1. Your nickname  2. Gender  (needed for natal reports only)

Birth date, time and place are required almost for any report for correct calculation of planetary positions
3. Year
(from 1900 to 2010, 4 digits)
4. Month 5. Day
  6. Time hours  minutes (0-59) local time. Type in 12:00 in case the time is unknown.
7. Place of birth

Type in 3-5 initial letters and click the FIND button
8. Select the city in a list and click the GET button
Latitude: Longitude:
Time zone: DST:
Place of current residence are needed for adjusting the time to your local time zone. Some calculations like Moon rising are impossible without place coordinates
9.Place of residence

Input 3-5 initial letters and click the FIND button.
10. Select the city in a list and click the GET button
Latitude: Longitude:
Time zone: DST:

Go from item 1 to 10 and fill out all the fields. If you are unable to cope with the above form or something doesn't work on your PC, skip this screen and select a second option (manual order processing) in payment screen. You will send the birth data later by e-mail.

Privacy notice: The above data are stored at your local computer as cookies and used by automatic service for reports calculation only. They will not be released to any party. Only those who have a full access to your computer can view them.

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