Astrologic wheels produced by different programs


Natal chart classic style

Other astrological program

Natal chart classic style


Natal chart moder style

Other astrological program


Astroelite free wheel

Other astrological program

SolarFire wheel



Other astrological program


AstroElite Financial and other astrology programs


AstroElite Financial Ephemeris

"World's most advanced astrology software"

World's most advanced astrology software

Bradley Siderograph

If you are interested in Bradley siderograph and like to experiment with that, you may purchase the «Galactic Trader». Though you have to pay $995 plus $99 for Bradley plug-in plus $25 shipping and handling. Total amount is $1119 Index Bradley Galactic Trader
You don't like the price or the graph? Those who created «Market Trader» offer a separate program that does nothing but Bradley index and costs "only" $299

Index Bradley Market Trader

Bradley Siderograph in AE Financial

When you purchase the AE Financial, you get a dozen of such "bradleys" and the picture is really a math graph but not an impressionist artist painting. Index Bradley AE Financial

Stationary points (retrograde planets) table


Stationary points and retrograde planets

Other astrological program

Stationary points and retrograde planets
