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Dec 11 2014, 01:06 PM
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History of a prediction
By way of introduction, I would like to apologize for being personally at the heart of this subject. However my personal account is necessary to present this assessment. Under such circumstances, no matter the person: only the prediction holds the attention. If I am at the core of this matter more than another person, this must be regarded as the mere result of a quest for truth. I was marked at an early age by a searing failure which made me realize the extent of the power of human illusion in our land of Urania, turned too much into a Utopian land. I insisted on roaming the exacting ridge of this practice, the field of tentative prognosis which calls forth the moment of truth of what occurs or does not when the configuration in question falls due A way of relying on only one reading of astronomic ephemeredes; if possible in the far distance, when nothing can be suspected, making an appointment with the history of the ages and even decades to come, the prognosis thus becoming a gigantic leap into the prediction of the future. The ultimate risk... Thus treated, the prediction regains its eminent place in the temple of Urania in triumphant celebration. I intend to recapture this story in its chronological order. It all began in 1936; my brother Armand writes an article for the review "Consolation" in which he improvises an explanation of the Front Populaire in France, using the opposition of Saturn and Neptune at this time. Did the Russian Revolution of 1917 not take place under the conjunction of these planets? He reworks this idea in his journal "L'avenir du Monde" of 1938-1939. The correlation gains credence: everyone comes to admit it, one after the other, at least in the French-speaking world. My brother will not take this any further, the bulk of his research began in alchemy. However, he charges me with the responsibility of furthering this historical verification to collect enough correlating elements. It is thus that the Saturn-Neptune cycle will become the primary terrain I explore. The twentieth issue of "Cahiers Astrologiques" (March-April 1949) presents, under the title "Planetary Cycles", my first interpretation of a whole pattern of cycles, including the Saturn-Neptune cycle, roughly deciphered. I awaited the new Saturn-Neptune conjunction of 1952-1953 to give my first prognosis, published in the newspaper "L'Yonne Républicaine" of January 1st, 1953. We will look at this text a bit further on after having discussed the conjunction of 1989. But the indication of the year 1989 arises. It is only accurate in relation to the deadline, to the historical fall of revolutionary tendencies. All the same, 34 years ahead! This is dealt with on page 189 of my "Défense et Illustration de l'Astrologie", published by Grasset in 1955 (out of print). This text follows the presentation of the last six meetings or conjunctions of these two planets, Saturn and Neptune, which reoccur every 36 years, accompanied by collective uprisings or revolutionary movements. Hence the justification of this first text in question: During the conjunction of 1952-53, Stalin dies and the Soviet Union is in full metamorphosis: the country begins a new cycle which will lead it to the cardinal date of 1989. It is in "Les Astres et l'Histoire" (Pauvert, 1967, out of print) that one will find all the historical documentation which I have patiently accumulated about our cycle in a series of accounts: the conjunctions of 1773 to 1953, the successive aspects of the cycles of 1846-1882, 1882-1917, 1917-1953, and 1953..., the conjunctions of Mars and Neptune since 1933, the oppositions of the Sun and Neptune since 1933 and the oppositions of Mars and Neptune since 1941, as well as the Revolution of 1848. It is based on this type of historical confrontations that one can claim a real correlation which authorizes the prognosis. Thus we arrive at the second formulation of the prediction relative to 1989. This can be found on page 139 of the work published by Payot in 1973: "Le Pronostic Expérimental en Astrologie" (out of print). So, sixteen years ahead of time! This is the text: “The second prediction relates to the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, and was published in the newspaper "L'Yonne Républicaine” of January 1st, 1953: due to the fact that the Russian communist party was born under the conjunction of 1881, and that it seized power during that of 1917, one must assume that the year 1953 will be of prime importance to the Soviet Union. In fact the Soviet Regime finds itself simultaneously at the beginning and the end of the cycle. Being at the end, one can expect an inner reorganization of the State or of the Kremlin. As the cycle begins again, one must foresee a new development in the communist cause or at least in the revolutionary one of the world. The Soviet political system will find favorable responses in nations which previously had been hostile or indifferent to it... To the surprise of the whole world, Stalin dies on March 5th, 1953: the inauguration of a new era for the U.S.S.R. and communism. In addition, Moscow discovers a new revolutionary vocation by supporting the causes for decolonization and nationalism in Afro-Asian countries; it puts an end to its isolationism by engaging in political solidarity with the nascent Third World. Due to this success, shall I be granted more credit if I seriously view the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in 1989 as the sign of a new "grand premiere" in the destiny of the Soviet Union or world communism?” My intention here had been, deliberately, to succeed in predicting two immediately successive, similar operations with the repetition of the same phenomenon. In the same work, still 16 years ahead of time, I had to inquire further into the adventures of predictions in a chapter devoted to "historical circumstances". I had first presented two preceding stages: the fluctuating metamorphosis due to the beginning of a new world-crisis for 1975, as well as the planetary concentration at the root of the crisis of 1982-1983, the critical time of the Euromissile confrontation (the economy of the "socialist camp" of Eastern Europe likewise seriously affected by the recession of 1980-1982 which it had not pulled itself out of, and it is this collapse that was the principal cause of the weariness of the people and their defection from their regimes). It is this chart, of 1989, which I finally presented: This astrological chart was accompanied by the following comment (p. 222): Within a brief time we shall discover an exceptional planetary trio: Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will meet at the beginning of Capricorn during the years 1988 and 1989, the more significant being the year 1989 with its triple Jupiterian opposition to this conjunction. It is here that the fate of humanity for the entire 21st century could be fixed. We have seen our modern capitalist society evolve throughout the large Uranus-Neptune cycle since the beginning of last century. We have also seen the start of the last Saturn-Uranus conjunction in 1942, as well as the last Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1953, the U.S.A. on one side and the U.S.S.R. on the other having launched a competition for world supremacy or to formulate a universal society. However, these two participants arrive here at the end of the race at the same point and at the same time, as though to melt into one single current. This final joint destination of 1989 is the date the world may tend to give birth to a new society. Therefore, the great rendezvous of our history tends to show itself, after the profound upheaval of 1982-1983, at the time of this triple astral intersection... This is a conclusion I had already drawn 21 years beforehand when I mentioned in "Les Astres et l'Histoire" (Pauvert, 1967), on page 297.. ...This triple planetary encounter, the most important astral reunion of the entire twentieth century... two historical uprisings... the American and the Russian, under the principles of capitalism and communism... these two participants are both at the end of the race for the final destination of 1988-89, at which time the world will renew itself to give birth to a new society. Undoubtedly, this great meeting in our history thus tends to presenting itself at this triple linear intersection from 1988 to 1992. and page 299: ...the great metamorphosis of society occurs thanks to a fusion, a synthesis where Neptune assimilates Uranus, which is to say where the new society takes from the old and is much less the antagonist than the successor, and this is the very image of the linear trace of currents which converge at the same time and in the same place, as two contributories would join into a river. When one knows that under the leadership or the near-benediction of the U.S.S.R., itself subjected to an essential mutation of society, all the countries of the East European bloc have, so to speak, converted themselves, have packed up and are going over to the Western virtues of democracy, the "iron curtain" having disappeared, the image of the fusion of historical currents into one river becomes quite relevant, one is already talking about a project for a confederation of a Europe spanning the area from the Atlantic to the Urals: whatever the new tendency of the world society may be, it remains polarized between its aspirations to the right and to the left. A new version a few years later. We are in 1980, still nine years ahead of history. In a work that appears in a book-club edition, Nostradamus, I am induced to write a chapter entitled "The Destiny of the Soviet Union". Calling on the help of astrology from around the world and evoking my experimentation in predicting the cycle (the last to date in issue n. 48 of "L'Astrologue" with the announcement of a new tension in the Saturn-Neptune square, coinciding with the Polish crisis and the Russian intervention in Afghanistan), I came to the following conclusion: The one who experiences such an adventure ends up acquiring a certain serenity of thought. One can believe in it or not: that changes nothing. There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that the Soviet Union will have to experience a decisive turning point in its history as the Saturn-Neptune cycle renews itself with the conjunction of 1989. In addition, circumstances will be such that this large conjunction will take place at the same time and at the same place as two other do, preceded by a Saturn-Uranus conjunction (in a cycle of 45 years) in 1988 and followed by a Uranus-Neptune conjunction (a cycle of 171 years) in 1992. This is to say that this triple astral reunion announces a great planetary upheaval and a change in society for the years 1988-1992, spreading throughout the whole world and concerning Russia in particular. The astronomical phenomenon relative to this country is centered between December 1989 and March 1990. Moreover, this is the same opinion I have always espoused throughout various international conferences. In October 1983 in Capri, I gave a talk on "the ultimate turning point of 1990" by reproducing the planetary alignment of fall 1939. Here is the interpretation I gave: Such a configuration calls into question the various pieces of the planetary cycles regarding, each one of them, a particular historical movement: Europe with the Jupiter Saturn cycle, the U.S.A. with the Saturn-Uranus cycle, the U.S.S.R. with the Saturn Neptune cycle, the entire modern capitalist society with the Uranus-Neptune cycle… Synthetically, it represents a large historical cross-roads where all these forces are gathered together to live out a unique history with various facets and numerous manifestations. This is the same figure I represented again in November 1985 in Rio de Janeiro by specifying that these six planetary cycles were "reunited in a common existential moment resembling a historical upheaval which ends in a profound general revival of world society". In a previous conference given in 1983 in Stuttgart on "The Destiny of Europe" I was already able to pinpoint the interplanetary node: ... It is easy to understand that the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn in the midst of this unity announces the risk Europe is running of being the stage of a general societal upheaval. And when, in May 1987 in Zurich, I gave a talk on "The Saturn-Uranus-Neptune Encounter", I was careful to specify. And now we are facing a second Saturn-Neptune conjunction. No doubt that it forecasts a new critical stage for the Soviet Union. Likewise it may also signify diverse revolutionary movements in the world. For the Soviet Union, must one take the policy of democratization begun by the new chief of the Kremlin Mikhael Gorbatchev seriously? Perhaps it is this change, fundamentally, which is appearing on the horizon. Gorbatchev could do what Krouchtchev was unable to do because he has arrived at the time of this conjunction. And likewise, in September 1988 in Vienna, taking up a text from L'Astrologue (n. 80, 4th quarter, 1987): Does the present Saturn-Neptune conjunction not announce the success of Gorbatchev's perestroika? Who knows if these changes will not erase the world division inherited from World War II and from the Yalta treaty? For instance, in respect to a future integration of the economy of the Soviet Bloc (Comecon) into the world market, the Soviet Union changes from the enemy of yesterday to a "partnership" rôle, as the great powers of the free world are to each other. Must one believe that I was delivering banalities there? In fact the whole world was surprised, astonished by the avalanche of events which occurred between September and December 1989. As for us astrologers, however, were we surprised? It is time to evoke that as the deadline of the events approached, I insisted upon the possibility that we would experience a particular kind of revolutionary climate. In the "Saturn-Uranus-Neptune Meeting" in L'Astrologue n. 80, 4th quarter, 1987, I already attribute a double manifestation to the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune: There is no doubt that this announces a new crucial step for the Soviet Union, a wave of renewal. In the same way, this can also signify a surge of revolutionary movements throughout the world. But I was to reach a conclusion permitting me to entitle my article in issue n. 85 of L'Astrologue (1st quarter, 1989) "The Turmoils of 1989-1990", which announced the following: So the only Jupiter-Saturn opposition in itself (September 1989 to July 1990) informs us of a critical turning point for the European Community, directly linked to the new crisis and condemned to undergo a major trial before presenting itself at its historical deadline in 1992. Above all, it must be remembered that Jupiter will pass opposite the Saturn-Neptune conjunction at the same period, from September 1989 to July 1990. (...) This could mean a period of revolutionary currents leading up to an explosion, with possible mass demonstrations in the streets, with the risk of the powers being overthrown. One thinks of the possibility of such feats in countries which are being stifled like Rumania, the countries of Eastern Europe being maintained under the iron collar, such as Czechoslovakia. Just as the Byzantium of 1453, this is the real collapse of an empire which the world will be facing throughout this memorable year of 1989. And it will be the end of an entire age... the post-war era finished. The historical breach began in October, but the change had started in the U.S.S.R. itself the head of the procession in the spring of 1989. After the novelty of legislative elections throughout the whole country, Moscow establishes a parliament where an active opposition makes itself heard. It was followed by Poland where, after the triumphant Solidarity elections, the country endows itself on August 19th with a non-communist prime minister at the head of a government encompassing all tendencies. However, the pace quickens with a sudden surge in the exodus of East Germans to the West in September and October. Those who do not leave decide to take to the streets and make themselves heard through protest marches. On October 9th, they already number 70,000 in Leipzig. From that time on, the GDR is at the core of events. Every Monday they march by the half-millions in Leipzig, Dresden and East Berlin. The storm on the Communists has begun. Everyone is in the streets (one million on November 4th in East Berlin) and they are formidable; the regime cracks. On November 9th the Berlin Wall is forced to open after the resignation of the Communist Party. Venus traverses the Uranus-Saturn-Neptune conjunction at the same time as the Sun and Mercury are in alignment with Pluto. Such a breach in this wall is the vertiginous historical torrent which removes the barriers of the post-war world. Hence these comments by the press: "the days that are shaking the world"; "the communist world is coming apart before our eyes"; "history is catching the whole world unawares with the collapse of the communist system", "the disintegration of the East Bloc is occurring at a breathtaking rate"... All of Eastern Europe is shaken by this upheaval. Having already joined the fun with a jubilant population, Hungary opens its borders and endows itself with a new governing power on October 23rd. The Berlin Wall crossed on November 17th, people take to the streets massively in Bulgaria, which in turn shakes the Stalinist foundations. On the same day 40,000 students march in Prague, on the 24th, under breathtaking popular pressure from a rebellious Prague, the entire head of the Czechoslovakia Communist Party resigns. However, it took seven large gatherings, a general strike on the 27th and new threats (they are demonstrating in snow flurries) to overthrow the regime. Marxism is in agony; the communist parties are dissolving; Honaker, Kadar, Husak and Jivkov, who had been in power for many decades, are swept away by this same storm. All the countries abolish the leading role of the communist party, install new heads from all political horizons and fix their calendars for free elections. The climax was to occur with the passage of Mercury and the Sun in alignment with the Uranus-Saturn-Neptune trio. In its turn, Rumania begins reacting on December 16th: within six days its dreadful dictatorship collapses. A summoning of the Bucharest population to acclaim the Ceaucescu couple on the large square of the capital turns into a general booing. The challenge has begun with a general insurrection (they will demonstrate by -20°C), leading to the arrest of the Ceaucescus on the 22nd and their execution on the 25th. Under the same solar transit in January, in addition to the movements in Albania and Yugoslavia, which has joined the system of parties and the continuing demonstrations in the free countries, the rebellion filters into the U.S.S.R. itself simultaneously agreeing to a military retreat from Hungary and being affronted by the same demand from Czechoslovakia with the secession of the Lithuanian Communist Party, demonstrations of secession in Mongolia and a civil war in Azerbaïdjan: these are the remnants of the "broken empire" which looms on the horizon.. At the end of this experience, who can deny that the mere observation of the planetary positions enables one to establish a chronology of the future in advance? We will have achieved our goal: to demonstrate the credibility of astrology in relation to today's history and, at the same time, to have experimental prediction become the most efficient means of persuasion, as well as the highest and purest intellectual adventure of astrology. L’Astrologue n. 89, 1st quarter, 1990. |
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