1. Quit Jyotish Master
  2. Download the atlas cities_pro.zip file from provided link to your PC desktop
  3. Find where your Jyotish Master is installed. To do this, click JM desktop icon, select Properties and read Target field. In our sample it is "C:\Jyotish Master\JyotiM.EXE"
  4. Click with mouse right button on cities_pro.zip and select Open with -> Windows Explorer
  5. In left panel navigate to your Jyotish Master\SYS folder. Drag cities_pro.mdb from right window to SYS folder on the left.
  6. Check that you have cities_pro.mdb in the right window files list
  7. Run JM and click Add/Edit main menu item. Now in chart manager you will see a number of locations available that has to be about quarter of a million.