
  • Use astro glyphs - display planet and zodiac sign names with special symbols, otherwise use letters.
  • Omit repeated zodiac signs - print zodiac sign only in case it differs from previous one. Exceptions are: first, last and 15 days of the month
  • Show days of the week
  • Decimal degrees - display coordinates not as degrees and minutes (21°30') of arc but as decimal degrees (21.5)
  • True Moon node - calculate a true Moon node instead of mean one
  • Sidereal zodiac - use sidereal (Hindu astrology) zodiac instead of Tropical (western)
  • Heliocentric - calculate heliocentric planetary positions instead of traditional geocentric. Note, that Sun and Moon nodes are unavailable in heliocentric system.

Input year
A standard Java library date picker component (Date button) on front screen allows to input the dates for years 1900-2100 only, so to get data beyond these bound you have to input the year directly on Settings screen. Allowed values are 1...2999. There is no 0 year because next after yea -1 (1 Before Christ, BC) is 1 AD (anno domini).